امتحان انجليزى الكترونى على الوحدة الخامسة للصف الثالث الثانوى نظام جديد unit 5

امتحان الكتروني انجليزي الوحدة الخامسة للثانوية العامة

نقدم لكم امتحان الكتروني لغة انجليزية علي unit5 من منصة نور اكاديمي للـ امتحانات الكترونية للصف الثالث الثانوي 2022 يمكنك الان اختبار نفسك في مادة اللغة انجليزية من خلال عدد كبير من الاسئلة اكثر من 114 في امتحان انجليزى الكترونى على الوحدة الخامسة للصف الثالث الثانوى نظام جديد.

امتحان الكترونى انجليزى الوحدة الخامسة للصف الثالث الثانوى 2021 – معلومات

معلومات امتحان انجليزى الكترونى على الوحدة الخامسة للصف الثالث الثانوى نظام جديد
المادةلغة انجليزية
جزئية الامتحانunit5
مدة الامتحان3 ساعات
عدد الاسئلة 114
درجة الامتحان100%
شهادة التقديراعلي من 99%

امتحان الكترونى الوحدة الخامسة انجليزي تالته ثانوي

الوحدة الخامسة انجليزي

1) To …………. is to keep something less than a particular amount.

2) It was…………. long game that we didn't finish it until ten o'clock.

3) It is necessary for working mothers to spend more …… time with their children every day. ( August 2019 )

4) . Have you ever read a story that was ………… difficult to believe?


When you are friendly and likes to be with other people, then you are ……..

6) That cake was ………….. nice that I will have another one.

7) It is ………. hot outside that I can't go for a walk.

8) Yousef is …………… a friendly person that everyone likes him.

9) I am only ……….. a few hours of work a day.

10) I don't know why you have ………. many pens in your bag. ( June 2020 )

11) . Don't carry work ……….. and try to balance between work and free time.

12) Ahmed is ………… a strong man that he is very good at weight lifting.

13) Elephants are so powerful that they ………….. push over trees.

14) The sport team has a good…………between people who are fast and people who are strong.

15) The company has an accountant to do the company …………


Is it ever too …………. to play games in the park ?

17) . ……………. is working independently for several different companies.

18) You must …………the deadlines.

19) It is good to do………..exercises, so I go running every day.

20) ……….. me to buy a newspaper on the way home, or I will forget.

21) . There were so many people in the room that I …………. find a chair.

22) It is ………… a dangerous mountain that nobody has been to the top of it.

23) The test was ………… easy that we all got a hundred percent.

24) Have you ever read the book that was so ………….. that you wanted to read it again? What was it called?


 The school library is available…………….the English today.

26) The plane took off at half past four. That means it ………..

27) ………. is someone who pays a person or organization for services or advice.

28) It is ………. an interesting book that I read it twice.

29) . You can ……….. your own timetable.

30) Have you ever seen a film that was so funny that you ……… stop laughing?


The see isn't calm …………… to go swimming.

32) After our walk in the mountains. I………..really tired

33) This is such ………. old tree that it is amazing it is still alive.

34) . Although she doesn't have time for much ………... , she is very healthy.

35) I can choose exactly which projects to take ……….. .

36) The film was…………… long that we all fell asleep before the end.

37) Her sports career took ….…….. after she won the competition. So suddenly became successful

38) ………. is a date or time by which you must finish something.

39) Amr is not employed by computer company. He is…………..worker.

40) It can be hard to ………… money and look after my family.

41) . It was hot so I took off my jacket. That means I ………... something.

42) Please ……….. me to buy my cousin a present, or I will forget!

43) She is …….. creative person that she can solve any problem. ( June 2019 )

44) It is …….…. hot outside that I can't go for a walk.

45) This book is ………….. famous that nearly everyone has read it.

46) My father will be late at home today because he has a meeting with an important…….

47) The sea was warm enough for us to ………

48) . ………...is when two equal things are treated equally .

49) It was………….. delicious food that we all asked for more.

50) It was ………….. a long film that some people fell asleep before the end.

51) The manager asked him if he was ………… for work next weekend.

52) You should………the number of sweets you eat. They are very bad for your teeth.

53) Your brother is very……….. He likes talking to everyone he meets!

54) My grandmother isn't well. She often …………. from headache


. My sister is ……..…. to go to school. She is only two.

56) I can't phone my mother because she is ………… work.

57) The food in that restaurant is ………… good that we go every week.

58) Before the start of the new year , the teachers work together to …….... a school timetable.

59) The plane is taking …………… soon.

60) To be …………. is to be worried and unable to relax .


. To ……… is to start being responsible for.

62) Today is much too hot to …………….. tennis outside


 Don't worry about him. He is ................. to pass the exam.


 Ahmed is very tired because he decided to ………. on two new projects at work.

65) It was ....... an interesting book that I recommended it to my son. ( August 2019 )


That salad was …………. nice that I will ask the restaurant for the recipe.

67) When you make the cake, you need to separate the white of the egg ………..… the yellow.

68) They walked so slowly …………. they missed the train.

69) The hat wasn't big ……………. to wear.

70) The coffee was too hot to ………..


…………. is to have illness or health problems .

72) . Is it ever cold ……………. to snow in Egypt ?

73) The wall was too high ……….. me to climb.

74) How much money did Ganna ….…when she was working in the bank last year?

75) That ladder is too long ……….… be put on the back of your car.


 Hana didn't feel ……….… enough to come to school.

77) . Freelance workers have to …………... their own accounts.

78) The problem with being a freelance worker is that you don't always ……….…. regular work.

79) She still thinks about where to spend her holiday. She can't …... her mind. ( June 2020 )


. When I was young. My brother often ……. me from my brother to stop us from arguing.

81) This bag is very heavy. I am not strong enough ……..…. carry it.

82) ………. is a group of people with a particular purpose such as a business.

83) The teacher gave us all a …………. . Mine was to interview four students

84) Ahmed …….. a lot of work last night, but he is still didn't finish his homework!

85) The toy is …………. big to go in that box.


Before I start revising , I always …………… a revision plan.

87) Amr is ……………. enough to answer the difficult question.


36. Ola is so intelligent ………….. she passed the exam.

89) I can't ………... off any time this week. This means not go to work for a period of time.

90) The stadium is ……..….. enough to hold 50,000 spectators.

91) ….. is a record of the money that a person or company has received and spent.

92) He says his legs will ……….….. after that long run !

93) …………. is when you don't have enough of something.

94) Are you coming to football……….after school?

95) The United Nations is an important ………… that works all over the world.

96) Your father reminds me………….. a famous actor!


4. Ganna has to finish the work tonight because there is important ……………. tomorrow morning.

98) It was such …………… useful book that I read it twice.

99) The sea is too cold ………… swim in.

100) My friend Amr ……… really well in the test last week

101) It is more ……….….. when you are working in an office.

102) This question is …..….……

103) Some graduates think that it is harder to …….. work today than it used to be.

104) In the north of Europe , some people become ill in winter because there is ……….. of sunshine.

105) I wanted to buy a new phone but it was too expensive ………… me to buy.

106) . If you are working for an organization , they find the ………… for you.

107) Ahmed is tall and fast …………….. to be good at basketball.


 Adel's job is very……… . He is a firefighter and his work is often very dangerous.

109) To take days ………… means not going to work for a period of time.

110) Tamer never goes on a plane. He ………….. from a fear of flying!

111) The boys ran too slowly …………. win the race

112) Nobody has been to the top of this mountain because it is …….. dangerous to climb.

113) It was not dark ………….. to see any star in the sky

114) People who works long hours often suffer…………stress.

Your score is


شاهد ايضا امتحانات الكترونية للصف الثالث الثانوى

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